Author: Anne

  • Corvids get creative

    . In an ode to irony (or the birdy version of a raised middle finger), crows and magpies are repurposing bird-deterring metal spikes from urban trees as construction material for their nests.

  • Housing affordability in Australia

    Housing affordability in Australia

    A system in crisis. On any given night, more than 116,000 people in Australia don’t have a place to call home. The Mission Australia 2020 Inquiry into Homelessness found that almost 300,000 people sought support from homelessness services in 2018-19, but more than 90,000 requests for help were unmet. That means that every single day,…

  • Time for a style update?

    Time for a style update?

    If you’re the sort of person who has an opinion about the Oxford comma, I have exciting news: for the first time since 2002, the Commonwealth Style Manual has finally been updated.