Coming soon

Coming soon

The online home for Little Brown Birds is currently being crafted and will launch in spring 2023. In the meantime, for communication resources that serve the common good I recommend:

  • Common Cause Australia, a fantastic Australian resource the delves into values and frames and provides informative and inspiring training
  • The Commons Library, another great Australian site with a huge range of resources for activists, advocates and community campaigners
  • The Common Cause Foundation, a UK-based information hub with tonnes of resources about communication based on human values

Some great books include The Persuaders by former New York Times correspondent, Anand Giridharadas, which explores social change movements from the inside and offers cause for hope and optimism. Reading or watching anything by the inspirational communications guru Anat Shenker-Osorio is always time well spent; Anat’s Words that Win presentation for the Centre for Australian Progress is a great place to start.

I could go on and on (and on), but then this website would never be finished! To receive the Little brown birds newsletter and be notified when the site is live, email me at: hello[a]